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Writer's picturePaul Gravina

Spiders, Itsy Bitsy or Giant

First off this blog will not be entirely about Agile, it’s more inclusive. It will include lessons I have learned, the education I am currently undertaking, and past experiences on projects. I have had a multitude of different team roles (QA, BA Scrum Master) so I have worn many hats. I am performing SEO on my web properties so I thought I would share some of my experiences. First off don’t design your site specifically for search engines and not the users of your site. You want users NOT just visitors so be careful not to over-engineer and over-optimize your site. Don’t hurt your user experience and don’t design for the short term it will come back and bite you later. 1. Don’t try to use the popular keywords such as “agile” “quality assurance”, instead add a word before or after the keyword such as “using agile” or “testing quality assurance”. Popular keywords are better than an extremely popular keyword that you will index at a lower position like number 100. 2. Remember crawlers don’t fill out forms and are very unfriendly to flash code. Make a sitemap that the spider can crawl your entire site. I use blogger (free/easy) so you can use your feeds (Atom/RSS) as your sitemap. 1. Sign in to Google Webmaster tools if you don’t have an account shame on you we are talking about a company with about 80% of the market. 2. Go to your website profile and Add under Sitemap. 3. Remember you don’t have to add you're normal URL for your blog just the “feeds/posts/default” 4. Submit and you are good to go, hopefully, you will get indexed quickly. 5. Search engines love to see your URL as one of the most important factors for determining search positions. (ex Remember to put your most important keyword in the front of your site title URL. These are just a few quick changes to your site in order to help with the search engine relevance rankings. And remember to make sure your site loads fast, spiders and users alike hate slow loading sites so keep it lean and mean. But I do believe that the real key and I have seen it before in past projects is the "content" of the site, new and relevant content always wins.

Owls Nest Capitals discussion on Spiders, Itsy Bitsy or Giant
Spiders, Itsy Bitsy or Giant

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